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App Name: nodMD Patients

Languages/Tools: Typescript, Angular, Node.js, PostgreSQL

Platforms: Web, Mobile

Description: Fast and easy treatment from specialist providers: specialty care is finally accessible from the comfort of your phone.

Note: A username and password will need to be created in order to demo this app.

App Name: nodMD Providers

Languages/Tools: Typescript, Angular, Node.js, PostgreSQL

Platforms: Web, Mobile

Description: Built for efficiency, nodMD Providers features an automated front office with patient self-scheduling, smart assignments, co-pay collection, and insurance verification.

Note: A username and password will need to be created in order to demo this app.

App Name: nodMD Find-a-Specialist

Languages/Tools: Typescript, Angular, Node.js, PostgreSQL

Platforms: Web, Mobile

Description: nodMD Find-a-Specialist is a search engine for finding and visiting with specialty care doctors on the nodMD platform.

Note: No registration is needed to test the public version of the app.

App Name: CommunityHelp

Languages/Tools: React, Node, Express, MongoDB

Platforms: Web, Mobile

Description: CommunityHelp is a social network that allows users to volunteer and/or request help in their community.

Note: Enter “demo” as username and password to test app without registering.

App Name: MovieCritic

Languages/Tools: React, Node, Express, MongoDB

Platforms: Web, Mobile

Description: MovieCritic is a progressive web app and social network to share movie and show reviews with other users.

Note: Enter “demo” as username and password to test app without registering.

App Name: Simple TTS

Languages/Tools: Next.js, PWA

Platforms: Web

Description: cityWeather is a simple app that takes in a city name and returns the weather details for the city. Variations of cityWeather front ends and back ends were built in Express-React, Express-Angular, Express-Vue, Express-Next, Flask-Vue, Flask-React, and Django-React

App Name: cityWeather

Languages/Tools: Express, Flask, React, Next.js, Angular, Vue

Platforms: Web

Description: cityWeather is a simple app that takes in a city name and returns the weather details for the city. Variations of cityWeather front ends and back ends were built in Express-React, Express-Angular, Express-Vue, Express-Next, Flask-Vue, Flask-React, and Django-React

App Name: chatgptBlogBuilder

Languages/Tools: chatgpt/openai API, Next.js, Docker, PWA

Platforms: Web, Mobile, Desktop

Description: chatgptBlogBuilder is a web application that uses the chatgpt/openai api to generate a blog post from a blog title that is input by the user.

App Name: CBB Mobile

Languages/Tools: chatgpt/openai API, React Native, Kotlin, Swift

Platforms: Android, iOS (on request)

Description: CBB Mobile is the mobile version of chatgptBlogBuilder. Testable versions of the app were built in React Native, Kotlin, and Swift.
